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Re: Bozo filters II

1997-02-06 10:04:06
Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars(_at_)bu(_dot_)edu> writes:
The recent discussion of bozo filters had me thinking about a more 
general method of file-based message rejection.  As it stands, all the 
methods posted here rely on some form of grep to match the address 
against a file.

This works fine, if the entire address is in the file, but I'm trying to 
figure out how to do *substring* based matching.  That is, if I have a 
reject file that contains:

You're already doing substring matching.  The condition of

* ? fgrep -f bozos >/dev/null 2>&1

will 'pass' iff some line in the header contains any of the strings
listed in the file bozos, one per line.  If bozos contains the word
"bob" by itself on a line, and any line in the header contains the
string "bob" (possibly embeded in another word like "bobbing for
apples") then it will match.  The "-f file" flag implicitly tells fgrep
to iterate over the lines in the file.

My question is not "how do I do this?"; it's "how do I do this 
efficiently?"  I could always write a shell script that would look 
through each line in the reject file, and do a "echo $FROM | grep $line" 
for each line in the file:

If you only want to run the grep across the From: header, then use
the "var ??" form to change what gets fed to the command condition:

FROM = `formail -zx From:`

* FROM ?? ? fgrep -f $BOZOFILE >/dev/null 2>&1

And yes, that's three question marks, with space after the first 2.

Philip Guenther