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700+ Bounces from AOL...recipe help!

1997-04-10 00:28:00

I just had over 700 bounced messages from an aol mailer-daemon.  I
think it was 400+ from a prodigy one before that.

Has anyone else crafted a recipe to /dev/null for this aol problem?

    Re: mailer-daemon(_at_)mrin19(_dot_)mail(_dot_)aol

(deleted all the prodigy ones and can't remember that address)

I'm hesitant to do an all inclusive "mailer-daemon" hatchet job, since
sometimes that's the only way to tell if an outgoing e-mail I've sent
has not reached the intendee.  Any suggestions are welcomed.

I've been having a REAL problem lately with umpteen mail forgeries
of several of my domain names by some net psychos.  I'm not advocating
they be shot...simple "castration" would be an appropriate choice.

Of late, my in-box has been filled with hate mail and sex-website
invitations as a result of the perverts forging my domain names to
kinky newsgroups.  I've had several discussions with the FBI computer
crime squad, and am collecting data to forward.  Frankly, I'm p***ed.
(Ahhh...that can spell "peeved").

Thanks for any help.
