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Re: procmail: Re: how do I have procmail cat a file and match from it?

1997-09-24 14:44:35
On Wed, 24 Sep 1997, Eli the Bearded wrote:

Jack Lyons <revjack(_at_)saltmine(_dot_)radix(_dot_)net> wrote:
X-Made-You-Look: yes

This is nuts. I catch nearly 100% of the spam that comes my
way by using only a handful of recipes. There are simply too
many bad domains out there to keep track of them all. Use a

I concur. While I do have a blacklist, very little ever gets
trapped by it. Most all spam gets caught before then. I just
brought up to date my procmail recipes in my web pages. 

obvious forgeries like "Message-ID: <>" and "-0600 (EDT)"
and "friend(_at_)public", along with a Bcc: filter, will get
almost all of it.

My stuff is a little more complicated that that.

Some of mine as well.  But I also use the simple stuff.  Heh, its also
what I despam this list with.  The complex stuff caught too much legit
mail on the list. :(

However, I do find a blacklist useful.  Not for grepping, but in
conjunction with by 
Guy(_dot_)Geens(_at_)elis(_dot_)rug(_dot_)ac(_dot_)be(_dot_)  This probably
catches a third of whatever makes it past the simple filtering.  

If this is timesharing, give me my share right now.