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procmail stops filtering on vacation

1998-01-06 15:20:31
On Tue, 6 Jan 1998 11:30:02 -0800 (PST),
Bill Durant <William(_dot_)Durant(_at_)eng(_dot_)Sun(_dot_)COM> wrote:
Does anyone know if procmail shuts off when one turns on
the vacation message on a mailer?  I set up procmail to

I assume that you have activated the vacation(1) program as instructed
in its manual page. This will replace your .forward file with a new
one which only invokes vacation(1). You might instead want to invoke
vacation from within Procmail -- this should obviously go +after+ any
lists you want to archive:

    | vacation yourlogin

You can glean the exact syntax of the invocation of vacation from the
.forward file the program created. (Don't copy the \yourlogin back to
Procmail; this is what instructs vacation to save a message for you,
too, but Procmail already takes care of that when you put back your
original .forward file.)

When you return from your vacation, just comment out this recipe from
your .procmailrc.

/* era */

 Paparazzi of the Net: No matter what you do to protect your privacy,
  they'll hunt you down and spam you. <>

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