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Re: Two Questions

1998-03-26 12:10:58

On 26 Mar 1998 jari(_dot_)aalto(_at_)poboxes(_dot_)com wrote:

Date: 26 Mar 1998 10:51:25 +0200
From: jari(_dot_)aalto(_at_)poboxes(_dot_)com
To: procmail(_at_)informatik(_dot_)rwth-aachen(_dot_)de
Subject: Re: Two Questions

|Wed 98-03-25 John Davis <jrdavis(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com> list.procmail
| 1) I am attempting to use the following recipe to catch mail not 
| addressedto me.
| It catches all mail not addressed to but it also catches everything else 
| to.  Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?
| :0
| * !^TO:.*(jrdavis(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com|J.R.Davis|John Davis)

I'm sure Phil can explain this more throughly, but let's just say
that procmail macros TO FROM_DAEOMON etc. are special. If you
use it like this:

    :0 :
    * ! ^TO().*(jrdavis(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com|J.R.Davis|John Davis)

It would work. Note that there is added lockfile(:0 :), no (:) after TO,
and for visual separation there is no-op () before regexp.

| LOG=unixclub$NL

Just personal, (you can ignore this advice if you want) I'd use 

    LOG = "unixclub$NL"

| :0:
| * ^Return-Path:(_dot_)*UUASC-owner(_at_)biz\(_dot_)compata\(_dot_)com
| $UNIXCLUB is defined thusly:
| #**********
| #***  $UNIXCLUB
| #* this is used to hold mail from the unix club list
| #**********
| $HOME/mail/unix-club

Erm, I'm sure you wanted to write

    UNIXCLUB = $HOME/mail/unix-club

| procmail: Assigning "LOG=unixclub
| "
| unixclub
| procmail: Match on 
| procmail: Locking ".lock"
| procmail: Error while writing to "/_fyFQmail2"
| procmail: Error while writing to "/"
| procmail: Unlocking ".lock"

I'm afraid the UNIXCLUB variable is empty, thus procmail tries to write
to an empty file --> /_fyFQmail2. But I may be wrong here.


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