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Re: Anti-SPAM recommendations

1998-07-08 08:30:25
- Jacques Gauthier <jacques_g(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)com>:

| if sender is the same as the receiver then it's spam

I don't think I have ever seen spam with this characteristic.
OTOH, I frequently make notes by sending mail to myself.

| if the receiver isn't my address (or one ot the mailing list I
| subscribe to then it's spam

Maybe, and maybe not.  Here is, in fact, a counterexample to both
assertions, from the depths of my mail archives:

  Subject: Emacs 19.10 diffs
  From: rms(_at_)gnu(_dot_)ai(_dot_)mit(_dot_)edu (Richard Stallman)
  To: rms(_at_)gnu(_dot_)ai(_dot_)mit(_dot_)edu
  Date: Sun, 30 May 93 03:20:53 -0400
  Sent-Via-Bcc-To: Emacs pretesters

- Harald

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