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Re: Recipe help

1998-11-05 10:04:42
Thanks Era,

        I stumbled across fetchmail's multidrop feature late last night
and I've already put it to work.

        While my journey has resulted in a few headaches, I've come to the
conclusion that the best thing about Linux is that it literally forces one
to really learn the operating system and its nuances. But I've been led
astray often enough by documentation that didn't live up to its promises
to consider myself myself very lucky that real help is as close as the
applicable mailing list.

        A big thanks to everyone who has helped someone do whatever it is
that they need to do.

        Brent Sims 

On Thu, 5 Nov 1998, era eriksson wrote:

->For those of you who might want to do a more thorough review, the
->howto is at <>
->-- I've been meaning to write up a critique of it for a long time.

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