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Re: RH 6.0 out of box?

1999-07-08 19:43:19

On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Clark C. Evans wrote:

Hello.  I've spent several hours trying to get 
procmail to work out of the box with no success,
is there something special for sendmail that
has to be done by the sysadmin? 

I've added a .forward:
| /usr/bin/procmail

You don't need this. RedHat is configured to use procmail out-of-the box
in, I believe.

And a .procmailrc:

Here are my permissoins:
-rwxr-xr-x   1 cce  cce   20 Jul  8 14:43 .forward
-rwxr-xr-x   1 cce  cce  108 Jul  8 14:41 .procmailrc

The permissions on your .procmailrc file should be -rw-------

Check your maillog. I bet it is reporting that that is what your problem


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