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Re: Procmail Quick Start pointer (& some questions)

1999-09-13 16:56:27
On 14 Sep 1999 era eriksson (era(_at_)iki(_dot_)fi) wrote:
Do you think the average reader knows what a Venn diagram is 

I've deleted the word Venn. I learned about them in grade school
but I guess that was during the "new math" phase.

(and aren't they supposed to be balls, not rectangles? :-)


 > * What is the default folder directory for other mailers?

RMAIL and VM will by default use ~/RMAIL and ~/INBOX,
respectively, where these are files, not directories. 

Do either of these have a default location for folders? do folders,
e.g., the "sent" folder, default to $HOME or does the user have to
specify a location?

I think it's safest to advice users to not make their .forward
writable to others -- primarily for security reasons, regardless of
whether it will also break Procmail!


A related issue: As of Procmail 3.13 (or 3.12 but I guess nobody ever
settled on that) Procmail is more paranoid about the permissions on
the .procmailrc file, and will refuse to use it if it is group or
world writable. 

I've now incorporated this too.

Hope this helps,

Yes, very much.

And thanks for listing me in "Thanks", although the link to my home
page seems to be hosed. :-)



©Nancy McGough       Infinite Ink
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