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RE: Urgent help !

2000-09-26 18:15:36
No, actually, as you cut 'n pasted the output, the files below are 644 not

That is 755.

edssvr => ls -l .forward
-rw-r--r--   1 edssvr   staff         56 Sep 26 17:28 .forward
edssvr => ls -l .procmailrc
-rw-r--r--   1 edssvr   staff        524 Sep 26 18:34 .procmailrc
edssvr =>

Are you a member of the "staff" group that owns the .forward and
.procmailrc? OR are you a member of "users" (or whatever group the "general
user polulation" are members of by default in your system)

If I recall correctly, you metioned earlier that you had the sysadmin move
stuff, I'm wondering if he/she (inadvertently of course!) did a chgrp on the
files thus excluding them from your invocation of procmail, ergo stuff will
be broken.

Your home directory must not be group-writeable, nor should your
.procmailrc. Adjust permissions accordingly on your home directory if
necessary (both the above files are OK), I just think the group thing is

Esteemed fellow list members please savagely hack me to shreds if I'm
steering this poor fella into bad places!!

Other things to check;
Also, check your $PATH. If you can't call procmail from where it lives then
all else is for nothing.

Make sure that $HOME/mail is where the mail is, if not ask your sysadmin

What shell are you using? Begin your .procmailrc with (for example)

I recommend that you study Nancy McGough's Procmail Quick start Page which
can be found at: Clearly you
require some study beyond simply writing a recipe and making it fire. We're
pecking away at a problem blind here, so you need to begin filling in some
of the blanks on your own.

Anyway, Hope This Helps!

Colin J. Raven
HDS Lab, Inc.
Harrison, NY

-----Original Message-----
From: Gijun Lee [mailto:gijun(_at_)hotmail(_dot_)com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 6:50 PM
To: cjraven(_at_)ddf-lab(_dot_)com
Subject: Re: Urgent help !


----- Original Message -----
From: "Colin J. Raven" <cjraven(_at_)ddf-lab(_dot_)com>
To: "Gijun Lee" <gijun(_at_)hotmail(_dot_)com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 5:47 PM
Subject: RE: Urgent help !

What are your permissions on your .forward and .procmailrc?
That's one possible reason stuff isn't working
Colin J. Raven
HDS Lab, Inc.
Harrison, NY

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