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Re: procmail problem...

2000-12-03 00:54:43
Scott Savarese <savarese(_at_)fortunecity(_dot_)com> writes:
This is an interesting problem...I am trying to make procmail my LDA with
sendmail. I make the changes to the file (via m4 FEATURE( 
local_procmail ) ) and all looks well. I restart the sendmail daemon and
all of a sudden, anybody that uses the local delivery agent can no longer
recieve mail. Anybody that has procmail in their $HOME/.forward it works
fine for. ( I am guessing that is so because with a .forward file you no
longer use the LDA). As for right now, I am not using an /etc/procmailrc
file (I do have an /etc/mail/procmailrc which doesn't work now but it
shouldn't be looking at it),

Can someone tell me, given the configuration listed below, why mail is not
receiving correctly when I try to incorporate procmail into
sendmail...Everything looks right with the configuration...
First here is a diff of the original and the new

This looks correct.

Now here are the permissions of /usr/local/bin/procmail
/usr/lib/mail.local and /usr/bin/lockfile
[root(_at_)postal1 mail]$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/procmail /usr/lib/mail.local
-r-sr-xr-x   1 root     bin         41756 Nov 19  1999 /usr/lib/mail.local
-rwxr-sr-x   1 root     mail        11304 Jul 18  1997 /usr/local/bin/lockfile
-rwsr-sr-x   1 root     mail        68584 Jul 18  1997 /usr/local/bin/procmail

Well, you should upgrade to a newer version of procmail (July 1997 would
be version 3.11pre7 and 3.15 is the current version).  The permissions
are fine, though you may want to strip the g+s permissions from lockfile
and procmail -- they don't need it with /var/mail being world writable.

and now the permissions on /var/mail
[root(_at_)postal1 mail]$ ls -ld /var/spool/mail
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other           9 Aug  3  1999 /var/spool/mail ->
[root(_at_)postal1 mail]$ ls -ld /var/mail      
drwxrwsrwx   4 root     mail         7168 Dec  2 18:30 /var/mail

Well, /var/mail should really be 1777 instead of 777: without the sticky
(+t) bit anyone can remove anyone else's mailbox.  This is a Bad Thing.

Otherwise, that should work.  What is the output of "procmail -v" and did
any 'odd' messages appear in the maillog when you tried making procmail
the LDA?

Philip Guenther
procmail mailing list

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