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RE: need recipe for extracting mail content

2001-03-16 13:44:34

...sorry -- I have never been told before that capitalizing a title or
subject heading constituted "yelling." Not to sound unappreciative of both
your efforts, but I am rather surprised that this is an issue.

Apology accepted.  It is not a matter of life & death, but a matter of
etiquette, a preference expressed by folks you are communicating with.

There are many reasons for not using capitals, not the least being
ease-of-reading.  (Just like the reasons not to make your webpage white text on
a black background).

In any case, the recipe does work fine; the header information isn't really
necessary at this point, although I could probably utilize the 'Subject'
field (in future). Can anyone suggest a means of over-writing the saved
message-body text, rather than appending to it? Thank you very much for
all your efforts.

Well if you use my rather overlong & inefficient solution (previously posted)
overwriting can be achieved by using

        # this will over-write
        | cat - > bodies.txt

instead of

        # this will append
        | cat - >> bodies.txt

(Of course if you get two emails in a row, the second will overwrite the first
in rather quick succession, but that is what you asked for)

I'll let David (or someone else) comment on the other, more efficient, solution
that he presented, as I am not sure how to efficiently over-write when using his
model (which was obviously much more compact, etc)


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