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Re: bad bounce

2001-05-17 15:24:42
On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 04:41:48AM -0700, Kayven Riese wrote:
$ls -l /usr/local/bin/procmail
-rwsr-xr-x   1 root     mail    115038 Mar 27 22:09

this doesn't look good.. does it?  };/

Uhm, you mean aside from it being setuid root? No, that's not good.

okay.. as an email user.. do i have the permissions to install 
something?  u can see i get a prompt.. umm.. yeah heh  {:}.. 

If you have shell access and can run the compiler, you should be able to
install. You won't be able to install OVER the system version of procmail, but
you don't need to. You can install your own copy in your home dir, then just
reference it instead of the system copy in /usr/local/bin.

a "uname -s" should answer that question. 

otay.. i am going to have to postpone agin.. 

that uname -s was worse than uname -a

$uname -s

Actually, that is exactly what I was looking for. We now know exactly what OS
you're using, confirming that it is in fact AIX. uname -a would tell you the
same thing, plus a bunch of other stuff that at the moment isn't really
relevant. -s just limited it to what we really wanted to know right now.

By the way, it's not necessary to CC me on list replies. I'll see it through
the list, and my procmail will just throw out the extra copy anyway.

Andrew Edelstein      

(Andrew is always, always a capital person)
                                8 May 2000
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