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Re: Hopefully simple question, and is this a good idea?

2002-02-15 09:37:30

On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 09:14:02AM -0600, SMORRIS(_at_)UP(_dot_)COM wrote:

Here is an example of what I'm trying to stop:
To: "Southeastern Internet University" <Bonanza(_at_)themail(_dot_)net>
From: "" <Bonanza(_at_)themail(_dot_)net>
Subject: College Degree in 2 Months!
Notice the To: line....  Now, I know that behind the scenes this obiviously
had a legitimate email address at my domain on it (or sendmail would have
rejected it as you pointed out), but if I can trap it based on the To: line
(since my domain is not called, that was the thought process
behind killing anything with a .net extension.

You could use something like:

 * ! ^TO_myaddress(\+[a-z0-9]+)?@([a-z0-9]+\.)?

but that will still catch perfectly valid mail on which you were BCCd.
Another approach might be to make an "executive decision" about what
you consider an acceptable recipient format:

 * ^To:.*""

and you can always filter by content:

 * ^Subject:[   ]*([^a-z]?ADVT?:?[^a-z]|\
        college degree in|\
        get.+university diploma|\
        accept credit card|\
        major stock|\
        million.*email addr|\
        increase your ejaculation|\
        adds?.*inche?s to .*penis|\
        mortgage (loan.*eas|rates?.*(low|high))|\
        your life insurance|\
        [a-z]\ [a-z]\ [a-z]\ [a-z]\ [a-z]|\
        [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ])

etc.  (As always, the whitespace range after "Subject:" consists of a
space and a tab.)

  Paul Chvostek                                             
  Operations / Development / Abuse / Whatever       vox: +1 416 598-0000

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