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Re: Where should I put the .procmailrc file?

2002-02-26 11:23:06
On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Trevor Jenkins wrote:

and in /etc/procmailrc

This is the heart of the matter. Does the co-existence of /etc/procmairc
and ~/.procmailrc require that the former has an INCLUDERC= clause in it?

No.  Procmail reads both /etc/procmailrc and ~/.procmailrc.

However, procmail applies certain safety checks to ~/.procmailrc that it
does not apply when processing an INCLUDERC.  I suspect that the use of
INCLUDERC in /etc/procmailrc in the case above, is designed to allow the
reading of a file that is writable, by the web UI, under some user or
group ID that procmail would normally consider "unsafe."

I believe the correct thing in this case would be to assign DROPPRIVS
before assigning INCLUDERC; otherwise the $HOME/procmailrc.sms file may be
executed with root permissions, which would be a Bad Thing if the user is
allowed to include shell commands etc.


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