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Re: running two actions

2002-03-12 19:42:10
At 7:05 PM -0500 3/12/02, PSE-L(_at_)mail(_dot_)professional(_dot_)org 
(Professional Software
Engineering is rumored to have typed:

To use the copy flag, you'd need to edit the actual recipe(s) in the first
file to make them operate with a copy.  SPECIFICALLY what those recipes
does has a LOT to do with how you make changes.

   Not really. I get the feeling that Mike has a delivering recipe in
html-trap.procmail when he doesn't want one. I mean, why deliver mail there
when you want to process it in spam (which I sure hope is an rc file and not
a mailbox...).

   All that said, he could easily:

:0 c

   # Drop the copy into the bit-bucket if it wasn't delivered...
   #  I know, I know, but it makes me feel better if I can see it
   #  dissapear.

 ----- copy and process in the former and still drop through the latter
without worrying about having to rework all of his recipies. Isn't the way
_I'd_ do it, but then, what is?


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