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Re: Quota Configurations

2002-03-20 21:13:02
i did try to assign a 10mb limit for users and it consists of their home dir
and mailbox...but it doesn't seems to work and was told that i need to use
procmail along with sendmail...sorry..can i just reinstall my OS and then
repartition /var/spool/mail and then set a unix quota limit only? can it
still work or do i still need to use procmail along with sendmail? i am a
newbie to procmail and think it will take a long time for me to learn the
basics of unserstanding it and configuring it to what i need..sorry to waste
unwanted bandwidth on this list with my simple questions.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Professional Software Engineering" 
To: <procmail-users(_at_)procmail(_dot_)org>
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: Quota Configurations

At 09:31 2002-03-21 +0800, Daniel Tan wrote:
   does anyone know where or how to get some tips on configuring
to work with sendmail on restricting user's mailbox space? i think i am

Try using the searchable list archives:


Search for of all things, "quota".  People have come up with some procmail
recipe based things to do what you want to do, but you're losing out on
quota capabilities built into the FS (which procmail will otherwise pay
attention to).

One could wonder why you don't just assign a quota to users and tell them
that it is a combined homedir and mail spool limit -- someone can eat up
their quota with web stuff or _saved_ email, or they can receive large
emails and store them.  Whatever they want - they're just limited to 'X'
space total.

If you want email as a separate quota, and to do it the way it should be
done, you should consider backing up your filesystem (uh, you do have
backup facilities, right?) and repartition your HD so that you can
re-create /var/mail (not var/spool/mail ?) to have its own partition that
you can mount.  As long as you mount all the new partitions in the proper
places before you restore, there should be nothing tricky with the restore
- things will head to where they belong.

Totally OT for the procmail list, so please don't follow up on this
here:  where possible, I usually leave ample UNPARTITIONED space on drives
when setting up a new system, since it affords greater flexibility during
the configuration stages.  /tmp and swap are both relegated to a separate
drive from /usr and /home whenever I'm deadling with multiple drives
I nearly always am).

  Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

  Procmail disclaimer:
  Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the

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