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Re: using "\/" in "... ?? ..."

2002-04-23 21:12:44
On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, parv wrote:

* Listid  ??  (<)\/[a-z]+(([-.][a-z]+)+)?\.freebsd\.org

if you mean a literal '<'.

yes i did (mean "<" to be literal), but why is there any need of
quoting "<"?  i don't see any reference to that in procmailrc.

* VAR ?? < 5
{ LOG="$VAR is a number less than 5

* VAR ?? > 13
{ LOG="$VAR is a number greater than 13
" }

LOG="This is undocumented.  The procmailrc man page needs work.
I have no idea what the pseudo-variables B and H do in this case.

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