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Re:Vintage Charlie....

2002-05-16 14:32:09
At 4:29 PM -0400 5/16/02, Paul Thomas typed:

Heh, Charlie seems to be hitting his stride today. Have  another
cup of coffee Charlie!;)

   Briefly noting the fact that it is notoriously rude to send private email
to a public mailing list (ill manners and a complete lack of netiquette
should be, of course, completely expected of you based on your record), I
cheerfully and now publically stand by every word I wrote, and some stronger
ones I edited out before sending the message, too. In truth, I simply pointed
out privately to you the painfully obvious...I have you to thank for
displaying to the rest of the list your lack of abilities and incivility.

   Oh, as a reminder, you forgot to post my privately-sent email to the
SmartList mailing list as well....certainly there are some people there who
don't yet know of your churlishness.

         Charlie Summers (who apologizes to the rest of the list subscribers
                           for his dragging you into this)

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