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Re: procmail and sendmail virtual hosting

2002-07-03 22:38:30
On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Professional Software Engineering wrote:

At 18:20 2002-07-03 -0700, Eric S. Theise wrote:

    | spamc

This is RUNNING a process which in turn requires a shell.

Actually that doesn't require a shell -- procmail forks'n'execs directly
unless there are shell metacharacters in the command.  (There's no script
here, spamc is an executable.)

Even if it did require a shell, procmail can get one via a SHELL=
assignment (or by using root's shell during /etc/procmailrc) even if the
user's /etc/passwd entry doesn't have one, as you pointed out.

With sendmail as your MTA, to check which mailer it believes should be 
used, do the following:

sendmail -bv recipientaddress(_at_)domain(_dot_)tld

This would report the mailer used.

That definitely is the thing to check.

If the verbose log were reporting something but spamc were failing, I'd
say DROPPRIVS=yes was needed; but if the log isn't even being written,
the first thing to find out is whether procmail is ever called.

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