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Re: is there a way to evade /etc/procmailrc ?

2002-10-03 16:13:09
3 replies in one email. (Which I meant to sent to the list, not Shane. Sorry Shane)

On Thursday, Oct 3, 2002, at 15:04 Canada/Mountain, Shane Williams wrote:
Not at all, or they don't want their subject/body changed?

Not at all, but whitelisting their To: might be good enough....

If the former (and your user isn't real with-it), you could add a
recipe in his .procmailrc that runs all his mail through spamassassin
-d and remove all the markup.

hmm... does that remove the headers as well?

On Thursday, Oct 3, 2002, at 15:19 Canada/Mountain, David W. Tamkin wrote:
For the second, if the MTA honors .forwards files, the user can put

 "|exec /path/to/procmail .procmailrc"

Woah. The .forward supercedes /etc/procmailrc ? Seems I should have known (or maybe at one time did know) that.

Pretty sure postfix (v1.1.11) supports .forward correctly.

On Thursday, Oct 3, 2002, at 15:32 Canada/Mountain, Professional Software Engineering wrote:
At 14:46 2002-10-03 -0600, LuKreme did say:
I have a /etc/procmailrc that runs al incoming mail through some virus filters and spamassassin. I have a user account that does not want the mail run through the spamassassin script (don't ask me).

Don't blame someone for wanting more control over their OWN email.

Oh, no, I don't BLAME anyone. I find it odd that spamassassin would be something someone didn't want (especially since the /etc/procmailrc doesn't delete any mail, just marks scores over 7), but I also didn't say "No you stupid git!"

How about checking for a .nospamfilter file? is there a if (-r $FILE) sort of command in procmail that could do somthing like:

$NOSPAM = $HOME/.nospamfilter

<something to check if $NOSPAM exist>

or something...

this seems like the least work all around...

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