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Re: setting up /etc/procmail

2002-10-22 11:19:56

On Tuesday, Oct 22, 2002, at 09:14 Canada/Mountain, Abid wrote:

Quick question about setting up /etc/procmail


.  I am not sure if I need a ".forward" file with the /etc/procmail

if a user has a .forward file it OVERRIDES the system-wide /etc/procmailrc file. (We just covered this on the list, in fact)) unless the user specifically calls


and I'm not even sure that works (I can't think why it wouldn't as long as /etc/procmailrc is world readable).

I have procmail installed and working properly in users home directories but I
want to use a system-filter.

This would mean disabling the user's own .procmailrc file.

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