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RE: ^^3^^

2002-10-29 13:32:59
LuKreme wrote:

On Tuesday, Oct 29, 2002, at 06:08 Canada/Mountain, Dallman 
Ross wrote:

In my quest to do better than SA on my own, I use *essentially no* 
body greps.

OK, that sounds cool.

Now, how do we get your recipes?  :)

Not ready for that one yet.  However, the one I gave out does
get 60% of my spam . . .

Meanwhile, I will post sample output from my spamsnag log parser.
The names of the recipes themselves should give lots of good clues
as to how various of the particular recipes might work.  When I run
the log-parser script on my shell account, the numbers for the most 
recently snagged spam's recipes-invoked are printed in red.

Last 100 Spam Messages: .procmailrc Trap Analysis

  Oct  Oct  Oct
 27th 28th 29th  Spam Recipe Triggered
 ---- ---- ---- ---------------------------------
   3    6    5   UBE.(RT|OH).FUNNY
   -    -    -   UBE.(TO|CC)+ME>2
   -    -    -   UBE.(TO|CC).BOGEY
   -    -    -   UBE.B.SPAMISH
   2    3    1   UBE.CT.HTML+BASE64
   -    -    1   UBE.DT.FAKE
   -    2    -   UBE.DT.TZa
   -    2    5   UBE.DT.TZh
   -    3    2   UBE.DT.TZy
   2    4    2   UBE.FR+RC.DELTA-TLD
   2    6    5   UBE.FR.4+NUMS
   -    1    4   UBE.FR.<=DIATOMIC+RC.SPLIT
   -    -    1   UBE.FR.BOGEY
   -    -    -   UBE.FR.DIATOMIC+REPEAT
   -    -    -   UBE.FR.FAKE_ME
  12   14   10   UBE.FR.HOTHOO+(RC|ID.!HOTHOO)
   6    8    6   UBE.FR.HOTMAIL+!X-O-IP
   -    -    1   UBE(_dot_)FR==TO(_dot_)!ME(_at_)MYDOM
   -    -    -   UBE.FR_.POSTMASTER+FR.!MATCH+SJ:!RE
   -    1    1   UBE.ID.!AOL
   7   12   13   UBE.ID.!RFC
   2    7    7   UBE.ID.FAKE
   3    8    7   UBE.ID.MYUPSTREAM
  12   16   27   UBE.OH.BLEM-MUA
   -    -    -   UBE.OH.FAKE_LIST
   -    -   11   UBE.OH.MiME
   -    -    -   UBE.OH.OOB-IP
   8   20   14   UBE.RC.<=MIN+TO.!ME+ID.!FOGGY
   -    2    5   UBE.RC.>=MAX+TRUST==LOWEST
   3    7    9   UBE.RC.FOGHORN
   3    -    -   UBE.RC.QUADRAPHONY
   7   16   14   UBE.RP.3+NUMS+TO.!ME
   -    -    -   UBE.RP.BOUNCE+TO.!ME
   -    -    1   UBE.SJ.ADV
   1    4    5   UBE.SJ.ALL_CAPS+MORE
   -    -    -   UBE.SJ.CAPS+TO.!ME+BD>=80%CAPS
   4    8    7   UBE.SJ.WS
   -    2    1   UBE.SJ|FR.HI-BIT
   5    7    6   UBE.TO.!ME+(FR.<=DIATOMIC|CC.EMPTY)
   2    2    1   UBE.TO.!ME+SJ.LOCALTO
   4    3    5   UBE.TO.ILLEGAL
   -    -    -   UBE(_dot_)TO(_dot_)ME(_at_)!MYDOM
   2    2    1   UBE.TO|CC.EXCESS+1-MORE
   4   12   13   UBE.TRUST<LOWEST
 ==== ==== ==== =================================
  18   40   42  <=== archive count by day (T=100)

Dallman Ross

"If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably does not lead to
        Thoughts of Rev. Sunnan Kubose, from _Zen in the Markets_ 

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