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Re: Message Ids

2002-12-10 12:21:16
At 11:28 2002-12-10 -0500, fleet(_at_)teachout(_dot_)org wrote:

All of the above originated on Windows machines using some version of
outlook.  I suppose the first field could be mailer versions, but I don't
see any date-time strings.

When I posted a breakdown of the messageid from one of my posts, it was an example for that specific mailer. The point was that part of the coding was the date & time. Datestamps can take many forms - a seconds tick count is one possibility.

The hostname used in messageids you provided are probably the unqualified local machine name.

When I grep for Message-ID on known spam I've received, I find that about
50% of the Message-IDs contain my own server domain.  ???

A standards-compliant mail server will receive a message and go "hey, there's no messageID - the sender it a yutz, but to make this message compliant, I'll just insert one of my own."

Sendmail is one MTA which performs this fixup.

There are a sufficient number of mailing lists out there that are so hosed as to not provide a message-id on their outbound messages (less of an issue with discussion lists such as this one - chiefly it is a problem with outbound-only lists), so if you're going to whack email because it isn't _from_ your domain but contains a locally generated messageid, I'd think again.

I emit "spam advisories" to my procmail log for recipes which are informational only - things like "may be forged", "interspersed received headers", "code suffix on subject", and "foreign submission with local messageid". One could instead use the various advisories as scording recipes which add a low value to the spam weight of the message, and in conjunction with other criteria, could be enough to push a marginal message across the threshold to identified spam.

Here's a sampling of Message-ID based recipes I use:

# Flag messages that don't have an @ symbol in them...
# Message-ID missing @
* ! ^Message-Id:.*\@
        LOG="SPAM: Advisory - Message-ID missing @ separator$SPAMVER"

# Null body Message-ID
* ^Message-Id:\>*$
        LOG="SPAM: Null body Message-Id$SPAMVER"

        |gzip -9fc >> spam.gz

# Message-ID is same as FROM.  Common in some spams.
# also, not particularly RFC822 compliant (since such a blatant duplication
# of the address as the messageid would invalidate uniqueness on subsequent
# messages).
* $ ^Message-Id:[       ]\<$FROM\>
        LOG="SPAM: Message-Id *IS* FROM address$SPAMVER"

        |gzip -9fc >> spam.gz

# Message-Id has leading whitespace INSIDE the id
* ^Message-Id:[         ]<[     ]
        LOG="SPAM: Bad Message-Id format$SPAMVER"

        |gzip -9fc >> spam.gz

# Message-Id header not even present.
# (unlikely to occur if your mailserver fixes the message to be RFC822
# compliant by adding such a header)
* ! ^Message-Id:
        LOG="SPAM: Message-Id not present$SPAMVER"

        |gzip -9fc >> spam.gz

# Compliments of Era...
# Apparently, a massively-malformed Message-Id.  Typical of cyberpromo...
* ^Message-Id:[         ]*([^<  ]|<>)
        LOG="SPAM: Massively-malformed Message-Id$SPAMVER"

        |gzip -9fc >> spam.gz

# if you have multiple domains hosted by your mailserver, you should add them
# all to the From line.  This could be beefed up to check received: lines as
# well.
* ^Message-Id:.*mydomain\.tld
* ! ^From.*@(.*\.|)(mydomain\.tld|myotherdomain\.tld)
       LOG="SPAM: Advisory - foreign submission with local messageid$SPAMVER"

An example of a domain-specific forgery checker (Note however that I am not putting this forward as a generic check for anyone else to use):

* ^From:.*@(.*\.|)yahoo\.com
* ! ^Message-Id:.*yahoo(mail|)\.com
        LOG="SPAM: forged Yahoo$SPAMVER"

        |gzip -9fc >> spam.gz

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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