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Re: ATTN ADMINS: Web Page needs unsubscribe instructions!

2003-01-08 01:05:23
well, this does link to one of my pet peeves, and that is the
proliferation of header lines.  I looked in my .muttrc the other day
not having headers visible, but when those headers amount to 1/2 or
2/3 of the first page of text, it is past ridiculous.  of course, i

I have to disagree here, and I use a .muttrc very much like what you
describe.  The extra header lines are very manageable; in fact,
they're invisible until I want them, and then a quick and easy touch
of the "h" key has them at my fingertips.  :)

Seriously, more information is always better than less, especially for
those of us who are also postmasters at sites of some size--especially
when the nuts and bolts data can be easily hidden from users who don't
want to deal with it, as is automatically the case with email clients
these days.  Usually I don't want to see all the headers either, but
when I do, they can be invaluable.


Chris De Young          chd(_at_)chud(_dot_)net

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