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Re: Hidden body html text

2003-01-22 22:10:40
Jefferis Peterson asked,

| This is odd, the following rc seems to be finding the hidden username in my
| emails, but it is skipping the mail instead of following the rc:
| :0
| * ^Content-Type:.*/html
| * $  B  ?? <\!--$LOGNAME-->
| ! devnull(_at_)petersonsales(_dot_)net
| The log says:
| procmail: Skipped "!--myusername-->"
| >From sexmachi(_at_)hotmail(_dot_)com Wed Jan 22 02:49:30 2003
|  Subject: Jeff, Be the dealer, win a turbocharged Jaguar XP in our casino
|   Folder: /var/mail/myusername
| Why is it skipping  instead of sending it to the devnull address?

You're asking procmail to test whether the body is smaller ("<" size condition
operator) than "\!--$LOGNAME-->" bytes, and even after substituting for the
variable $LOGNAME per the "$" at the beginning, that isn't a number.  Write
the condition this way so that the left-side angle bracket will be taken as
part of a regexp (there is no need to escape the exclamation point when
something precedes and it cannot mean "not"):

 * $ B ?? ()<!--$LOGNAME-->


 * $ B ?? (<)!--$LOGNAME-->

This would also work,

 * $ B ?? \<--$LOGNAME-->

but most of us advise against it, because "\<" looks to our eyes like
procmail's character-that-isn't-in-words special.

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