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Re: Working Recipe

2003-07-05 23:34:14
On Saturday, Jul 5, 2003, at 15:03 Canada/Mountain, Professional Software Engineering wrote:
At 14:40 2003-07-05 -0600, LuKreme  (List User Kreme) wrote:
Someone is going to revoke your title of His Kreminess is you keep doing that.
I have a title? I mean, I knew about Kitchen Staff Supervisor, but this new title is news. Does it come with benies?
Well, the title varies. The Kremey One is a fave. As with all titles, it's in leiu of benefits.


* ! LISTNAME ?? ^^^^

# If it's delivered, it's delivered (and procmail won't be parsing # past the above line). If it failed, it's probably because the # directory didn't exist, so try creating the dir and writing again.

        DUMMY=| mkdir -p $MLDIR/$LISTNAME

        # if mkdir succeeded, store the message now


it's short, it's obvious what it's doing, it's simple. Elegant, maybe.

Right. Leave it to you all to come up with something that is far more elegant (though not so short). Fine. Be that way. (I missed it in David's first post for some reason, although he used:


instead of

* ! LISTNAME ?? ^^^^

I'm not sure that matters though.

and yes, all my list processing happens in a separate rc file. It used to be a few hundred lines. I think it's down to abut 50 now, maybe 75 with comments.

and I swear it happened just like this: / a sigh, a cry, a hungry kiss / the Gates of Love they budged an inch / I can't say much has happened since / but CLOSING TIME

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