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Re: recipe help

2003-11-04 09:35:38
Now wait a moment, Udi.  There's *no* way I'd have written code like that!

        David Tamkin helped me to solve this problem in the past:

but not like this:

 1  :0 H
 2  {
 3        :0
 4        SUBJECT=| formail -XSubject:
 6        :0
 7        *$ ^$\SUBJECT
 8        * ^Subject:.*Out of the Office
 9        /where/is/officer
10  }

Opening braces unconditionally -- unless you're cloning -- makes no sense; just put the code outside braces.

An `H' flag on an uncondition response makes no sense either, and in some versions of procmail it can be poison.

Getting the entire Subject: line with formail rather than the extractor looks weird, but I can see the point: it would preserve continuation newlines, while

 * ^\/Subject:.*

would unfold them.

But honestly, I'm still not sure what line #7 is doing there. #8 makes sense: it tests whether "out of the office" appears in the unfolded subject. Actually, this is safer, because the continuation newline is treated as a space, and the mailer may insert a tab there, and we don't know which two words may be separated:

     # each pair of brackets encloses space and tab
     * ^Subject:.*out[  ]+of[   ]+the[  ]+office

I'm not at all sure how #7 behaves, especially with that embedded newline. Procmail's $\variable construct leaves embedded newlines unchanged.

Seems to me it should work properly with only the second condition, and the first one can only hurt.

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