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Recipe Help.

2003-12-05 19:27:35
I have a basic recipe that I am trying to get some os the spam that uses
a dsl connection as an email server, and want to quarantine it until I
check to see if it is spam or not, whitelist the legitimate ones and
leave the rest as spam.

Here is the recipe.

## Client DSL running SMTP servers.
* ^Received:[ ]from[ ].dsl
* ! ^Subject: FW:
* ! ^Subject: RE:
        LOG="SPAM: Received: header indicates an DSL SMTP$NL"


This catches 
Received: from (some IP address)

But the problem is it also catches any Received header that has such a
text, I want to force to check only the first Received header, how can I
achieve that?

To explain further, if someone sends an email through his email server
and his email server is in the first Received: header, but his email
server also will write his connection and that will be in the second or
third Received: header, that is not what I want to filter.

Thank your for your time and help.

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