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Re: virus recipe for MyDoom

2004-01-27 14:20:45
On Tue, 27 Jan 2004, Dallman Ross wrote:

DR> Why are users opening ZIP files and clicking on attachments
DR> they did not expect to receive?
DR> BAT files are another example.  They are executable in
DR> Windows and DOS, yes.

DR> Comments?

Comment?  Yes, but drifting a bit off topic.  Where I work, those
three sentences above would be gobledegook to my collegues..

And another point.  I have a Windows pc at work and I do not know what
would happen if I clicked on a zip file. And I don't care.
Administration of my, let's use the favourite buzzword, "workstation," is
discouraged. The "professional IT personnel" (sic) are forever remotely
fiddling with the "workstations" without considering the problems they
cause to people actually using them.

I suspect this is the norm.


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