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Re: How to generate a virus warning to the recipient(s)?

2004-05-10 09:38:08
At 11:56 2004-05-10 +0200, Oliver Thiele wrote:
I would like to filter my incoming emails with procmail/spambouncer for suspicious content and if successful, it should delete this mail and generate a new one to the recipient, that a mail from xy was deleted because of a virus. By the way, my system configuration is exim / procmail / spambouncer.
Does anybody has a answer / suggestion for my problem?


Modify as appropriate for other attachment extensions, though the gutz at the bottom of the recipe is what you should focus on if you're using something like spambouncer or something that will otherwise flag a message as having been spam or whatever, and then you'd take action on it in a similar fashion.


This is a generic handler for bouncing messages with attached commentary and either with just the headers or the entire header/body combo (in the body of the new message. It's what is being included from the previous recipe.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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