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Re: Phantom lines in empty body

2004-06-21 16:04:53
Toen wij Ruud H.G. van Tol kietelden, kwam er dit uit:
Jim Osborn:

 :0 B
 * $-9999999^1    [^$SPC$TAB]+
 *         1^0

You have a few problems there!

-9999999 fits 214 times into 2147483647.

Better change the -9999999^1 to -9876543210^0,
or at least (=at most) to -2147483647^0.

The other is the missing delivery line.
If the delivery is to a file, add a colon
to the first line.

And I forgot to mention (silly, because I was thinking about 
it while I wrote my reply) that you best remove the '+' 
there (for various reasons). But gladly David stepped in.

Grtz, Ruud

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