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Re: limiting number of procmail processes running

2004-08-13 06:00:44
David W. Tamkin wrote:

Eric S. Johansson wrote:

I am interested in limiting the number of procmail processes running
at any one time.

If the number of waiting procmail processes is not a problem, so long as
they aren't doing anything intensive such as running your spam filter, a
global lockfile is all you need.

If you really need to limit the number of procmail invocations in the
process table, even those that are just spinning in place waiting for
others to finish, then I hope someone else has some advice.

unfortunately, I really do need to limit the number of processes. After I unplugged a mail server upstream, I had something like 618 processes in the table, load average of 20 and I was secure in my knowledge that this was not acceptable.

the big global lock with only makes the process table bigger. I know because I have a per user lock whenever I fork off crm114. Before the crm114 lock, it wasn't too bad. Afterwards, it got really bad.

from what I can tell, a practical limit of running processes is somewhere in the order of five to 10 processes at one time. The biggest overhead seems to be obviously fork & exec but unless I'm going to put a wrapper around crm114, I need to live with it.

--- eric

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