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Re: /etc/procmailrc sets sets root ownership?

2004-10-21 04:03:47
On Wed, Oct 20, 2004 at 07:18:35PM -0500, David W. Tamkin wrote:
Dallman Ross wrote:

On Wed, Oct 20, 2004 at 06:00:12PM -0500, David W. Tamkin wrote:

Doesn't it have to be


or something along those lines?

No.  It's a state.  In the /etc/procmailrc, privileges are elevated.
That ends when either (a) the rc-file ends; (b) there is delivery;
or DROPPRIVS is invoked.  

Yes, I know, but unsetting it is not the way to invoke it.  Per the 
procmailrc(5) man page,

       DROPPRIVS   If  set to `yes' procmail will drop all privi-
                   leges it might have had (suid or sgid).   This
                   is  only  useful if you want to guarantee that
                   the bottom half of the /etc/procmailrc file is
                   executed on behalf of the recipient.

Sorry, Dallman, but that supports my position.  Throwing the word out 
there naked does not set the variable to "yes"; it unsets the variable, 
which probably has no effect in this particular case.

Okay.  You are right!  (As usual.)  Thanks for clarifying.


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