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Re: OT: Verizon (Was: Re: mimic a unknown user bounce)

2005-01-25 10:21:44
On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 07:51:59 -0800, Professional Software Engineering
<PSE-L(_at_)mail(_dot_)professional(_dot_)org> wrote:
 "Verizon three million DSL customers waiting for emails from Europe
 were advised to use alternative forms of communication. "If it's really
 important you might want to make a phone call," [a spokesman] said."

FTR, European ISPs can theoretically circumvent verizon's "security" by
setting up a mailertable entry to relay through a host in the US (which of
course needs to be set up to relay for them).  On more than one occasion,

Oh, I think a much better solution is for European ISPs to simply
reject any communication/connection from verizon.  Let them enjoy the
benefits of an Intranet.

(I am not simply saying email, but ALL connections from verizon IPs).


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