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Re: Delivery to several directory folders?

2005-01-26 02:34:19
On Tue, 25 Jan 2005, Dallman Ross wrote:

On Tue, Jan 25, 2005 at 07:49:01PM +0200, Udi Mottelo wrote:

On Tue, 25 Jan 2005, Dallman Ross wrote:

If the delivery is to a directory or directories -- either
maildir-, MH-, or traditional procmail dir-format -- then, yes.
If to flat folders (mbox-style files), then, no.

    I don't understand, if I save message to abc/ for example
    I'll have only one copy in  abc/new/long...string  and no
    more, isn't?

    Can you give example?

Okay, if you'll quit quoting .sigs and so much extraneous matter
in return, I'll be glad to.  :)

Here's an rcfile I called "two.rc":

   7:23pm [~/Mail] 297[0]> cat two.rc

  foo/ bar/

        Thanks for the example, I didn't know it.  But now after I
        read the man again I think that you missed one more test:

# ls -i */new/*
 655833 A/new/
 655833 B/new/

        The inode is same because there are no two copies
        but hardlink.  It can help for access by two ways
        to the same message, for example:

vi $username/new/message  or  vi $familyname/new/message

        but if you delete $username/new/message then
        $familyname/new/message will not be exist!


I'll make two directories.

   7:24pm [~/Mail] 298[1]> md foo bar

Here the are:

   7:24pm [~/Mail] 299[0]> ls -l -d foo bar
  drwx--x--x    2 dman     users        4096 Jan 25 19:24 bar/
  drwx--x--x    2 dman     users        4096 Jan 25 19:24 foo/

Run a message through two.rc:

   7:24pm [~/Mail] 300[0]> SPAMPLE --rcfile two.rc
  procmail: [29640] Tue Jan 25 19:24:40 2005
  procmail: Assigning "VS_DIAGS=./vsnag.self-test.rc"
  procmail: Assigning "VS_MYVARS="
  procmail: Assigning "PROCMAIL=procmail"
  procmail: Rcfile: "two.rc"
  procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=foo/new/"
  procmail: Linking to "bar/new/"
  From qolhkxt(_at_)freewebe(_dot_)com  Thu Jan  6 18:56:00 2005
   Subject: Be|ow the Radar Equity
    Folder: foo/new/ bar/new/11066774     

Is it really there, twice?

   7:24pm [~/Mail] 301[0]> find foo bar -type f

Yup.  Let's double-check:

   7:25pm [~/Mail] 302[0]> diff `!!`
  diff `find foo bar -type f`

Two copies were saved in the delivery.


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