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Re: Halting delivery on program failure

2006-03-23 07:59:57
On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 03:29:43PM +0100, Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:
Jim C. Nasby schreef:
Ruud H.G. van Tol:

this depends on whether procmail is running within the
SMTP-session, or only after the mail is already accepted. In the
second case, the receiver's service must (and will) create a
Non-Delivery Notice, even for a 75.

Huh? I don't believe there's any such requirement to send a notice
just because the email is temporarily delayed.

You're right. The receiver's service, that accepted the message, keeps
retrying delivery. Only if that doesn't succeed in a few days, it has to
generate a NDN, back to the Envelope-From address, unless that was <>.

After retrying a few times, some services do send a Note about the
persisting temporary error, saying something like "will keep on trying
for another 2 days".

Yeah, in this case the reciever is me, and my postfix isn't configured
to send a delay notice. So I'd rather have stuff queue up then end up
with all the bloody spam in my inbox.

As for the logging and SA not working, I found the problem: my logfile
had grown too large (>50MB). Leads to my next question: why does
procmail limit the size of the logfile? And how can I change that
limit/remove it?
Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect                decibel(_at_)decibel(_dot_)org 
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