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Re: Halting delivery on program failure

2006-03-23 08:29:19
On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 09:01:42AM -0600, Jim C. Nasby wrote:
On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 08:55:37AM -0600, Jim C. Nasby wrote:
As for the logging and SA not working, I found the problem: my logfile
had grown too large (>50MB). Leads to my next question: why does
procmail limit the size of the logfile? And how can I change that
limit/remove it?

Actually, sorry, this is something to do with postfix. I'll need to
rummage around there.

Ok, for the archives...

Postfix allows you to set a limit on the size of a mailbox. By default,
this is ~50MB. The problem is that this limit is set by essentially
doing a ulimit. So if your procmail is set to log, and the logfile
exceeds this limit, things stop working properly. Certainly one issue I
was seeing was that spamassassin wasn't being run.

The problem can be solved by either bumping up the size of
mailbox_size_limit in your postfix config, or using a limit at all by
setting it to 0.

But I am still wondering if procmail shouldn't fail more elegantly
here... like at least throwing a warning to stdout/stderr.
Jim C. Nasby, Database Architect                decibel(_at_)decibel(_dot_)org 
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