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Re: starting sendmail without user login shell [was: no vacation sent]

2006-12-29 12:11:54
Professional Software Engineering <PSE-L <at>> writes:

At 19:18 2006-12-28 +0000, Ryan Steele wrote:
Dallman Ross <dman <at>> writes:

On Wed, Dec 13, 2006 at 04:44:41PM +0100, Markus Krause wrote:
after intensive debugging i found the reason for the problem described
below: to prevent users from logging in directly to our mail server
all shells for the users are set to /bin/false. but obviously sendmail
needs a real shell.

Not applicable to your problem here, but in my experience, a better shell 
is a simple stub program which outputs a "shell access to this account is 
not permitted." message.  Crank out a simple program, add it to the 
/etc/shells list, and specify that as the user shell when setting up their 
account (I have one for FTP-only accounts for instance).  This basically 
reminds the clueless user why they can't log in.

Does anyone know why it explicitly needs a shell to invoke 
sendmail?  Can't that be done through a system call?

I was under the impression that anything which didn't have shell metas in 
it didn't involve using the shell anyway.  However, I haven't done much 
spelunking in the procmail source lately.

worth note is that execv is one of the functions used for starting other 
processes.  see 'man execv'.  note the FILES section, then read the 
DESCRIPTION section where you should see how if the header of a file isn't 
recognized, the SHELL is invoked.

Are you, by any chance, running on a system which doesn't actually have a 
REAL sendmail binary, but instead has a shell script set up to invoke some 
alternate MSA/MTA with appropriate argument translation?  If so, I could 
easily see that requiring invocation of a shell, because you're not loading 
an elf binary or whatnot.

  Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

  Procmail disclaimer: <>
  Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the list.


Thanks for the background info on execv.  Maybe I can't put all the blame on
procmail then for silently balking (although, it still deserves its fair share
of the blame).  Although, you would think that, since /bin/sh is pretty much a
known quantity in POSIX, that either it or execv would default to something sane
 like that instead of the user's login shell, which on many systems (especially
mail servers) are set to /bin/false, /usr/bin/pine, etc.  Then, they can
override that if they like in their script (e.g., SHELL=/bin/bash or something).
 Oh well, I'll chalk it up to experience... and maybe a procmail clone if it
gets far enough under my skin ;)  Thanks again!


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