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Re: Simple recipe to move uninteresting threads in separate mailbox

2006-12-31 01:07:57
On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 17:46:47 PM -0800, Professional Software
Engineering (PSE-L(_at_)mail(_dot_)professional(_dot_)org) wrote:

So, the tweaked recipe looks like:


thanks a lot for putting all this together to help me.

Pending comments and further improvements from other list members, I
will now add the recipe to my procmailrc file, see what happens and
report here. It doesn't _delete_ anything, the worst thing it could do
is flag as irrelevant a message which isn't, so it's OK to test it
"live" isn't it? Just one last question before starting:

# If you set your MUA to invoke formail to cache ignored threads
# using the

what would be the correct formail command to launch from Mutt?

Thanks again everybody, and happy 2007!


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