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Re: Maybe simple question

2003-12-14 19:39:21
On Sunday 14 December 2003 10:36 am, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:

In short, people who send from domains other than isp.com will have to pay

Your continual arrogance is insufferable.  You want to use other peoples 
resources, that other people pay for, for free.

You're saying I have to pay to use SPF.

No, you have to pay to use other peoples SMTP services.  Unlike spammers.

Plus, there are many many locations where customers have no choice about
ISP's.  For example, people who live in the woods and have only one local
number to call, for one local ISP.  These people are *forced* to comply to
the policy of whatever isp is there.

Life is tough.  So you want to use a typical spammer trick to route into 
someones SMTP server and route mail through it for free.

In Boston, I would be forced to use rcn's policy, or comcast's policy,
because they're the only cablemodem providers here.  What shall I do if they
decide I can only use mail(_at_)rcn(_dot_)com or mail(_at_)comcast(_dot_)com?

There are many options.  Think about it.

It's better to be wanted for murder that not to be wanted at all.
                -- Marty Winch

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