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Re: improving Received-SPF

2004-01-09 08:07:57
Alex van den Bogaerdt wrote:
On Fri, Jan 09, 2004 at 02:56:59PM +0100, Julian Mehnle wrote:

Jim Ramsay [i(_dot_)am(_at_)jimramsay(_dot_)com] wrote:

Here is another updated definition.  I was thinking about IPV6
addresses, and decided maybe the ":" delimiter between informational
fields in the comment were not appropriate as IPV6 is commonly notated
using ':'.  How do people feel about pipe characters '|'?

'|' is ugly, don't do this.  What about ',' or ';'?

It's probably not wise to change ":" into ";".  This will cause
confusion (similar to " ` " vs. " ' ").

I personally don't know what the difference really is - it's just an ascii character used as a delimiter, and the line itself isn't very human-readable at all - That's what the "comment-string" part is for. I thought that if this part of the line is going to be machine-parsed, it doesn't matter what the delimiter is as long as it's not confused with the content.

Or perhaps it *should* be more human readable, like this:

Received-SPF: pass (h=helo.example.com e(_at_) b\G\¿c?(|??  ip= m=ptr:example.net v=1 Site SPF record matched)

That's not bad - not hard to parse and not hard to read.

I suggest one of two options. The first is to take my previous spec, and then hammer out what ascii character would make a good delimiter.

The other idea is to consider this second option:

header = 'Received-SPF:' result [ FWS '(' [FWS] comment [FWS] ')' ] CRLF


result = 'pass' / 'fail' / 'error' / 'unknown'
         / unknown-declarations

unknown-declarations = 'unknown' *( FWS declaration )

comment = 'h=' smtp-sender-helo FWS 'e=' envelope-sender
          FWS 'ip=' current-ip FWS 'm=' match-mechanism
          [ FWS 'v=' version-string ] [ FWS comment-string ]

smtp-sender-helo = dot-atom-text
    ;dot-atom-text is defined in RFC 2822 section 3.2.4
    ;hostname given by SMTP client at HELO or EHLO command

envelope-sender = dot-atom-text '@' dot-atom-text
    ;dot-atom-text is defined in RFC 2822 section 3.2.4
    ;reverse-path given by SMTP client at MAIL FROM command

current-domain = ( IPV4Address / IPV6Address )
    ;IP address of current SMTP client

IPV4Address = 1*3DIGIT 3( '.' 1*3DIGIT )

IPV6Address = *4HEXDIG 7( ':' *4HEXDIG )

match-mechanism = mechanism / 'none'
    ;mechanism format specified in section 3.2
    ;MUST be the mechanism (and argument) record checked which was
    ; matched to cause the result, copied exactly from the actual
    ; SPF record.
    ;MUST be 'none' if no match was made for any reason
    ;  (ie, error, no SPF information given)

version-string = 1*DIGIT *( '.' 1*DIGIT )
    ;The SPF version from the SPF record.
    ; I don't know if this is useful, but we can include it, so why not.

comment-string = *( ccontent [FWS] )
    ;ccontent is defined in RFC 2822 section 3.2.3
    ;SHOULD include further information not already provided
    ;  (ie, description of error message in the case of errors)
    ;MAY include a human-readable explanation of why the current result
    ;  was decided


I kind of like the second one more myself.

Please note that I don't have any say in what the RFC will look like anyway, these are just suggestions hopefully reveiwed by Meng :)

Jim Ramsay

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