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RE: SPF + Challenge/Response

2004-01-13 06:59:10
I'm not sure I follow you.  I'm assuming that the SPF check is passed, but
the spam filter still flags it as spam.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hallam-Baker, Phillip [mailto:pbaker(_at_)verisign(_dot_)com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 8:56 AM
To: 'spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com'
Subject: RE: [spf-discuss] SPF + Challenge/Response


In a world where SPF is normal, would it be unreasonable to 
challenge email
identified as spam (by a spam utility)?  My reasoning is that 
if an email
passes an SPF check, then my email system can be reasonably 
sure from where
the email came.  If an email is then identified as spam, a 
challenge could
be sent and if properly responded the email would be released....

I'm just somewhat adverse to spam filters (not SPF) because of false

The issue to avoid here is anoying people whose email addresses have been

If a message fails the SPF checks it MUST be deleted. The worst thing you
can do is to send a reply to annoy the alleged sender.

Mail senders should be modified to verify their configuration against the
SPF configuration data and alert the user in cases of misconfiguration.

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