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Re: Oh That

2004-01-26 10:35:47
Hi !!

If a hacked system detects the email address and SMTP server of the
system's user and uses that to spam from, the spam will look like a
legitimate message to SPF.

well, it almost all cases it must also discover the password (as almost
any smtp server now requires smtp auth), which is not easy. At least as
far as i know there is no virus or spam-virus that does that.
If the hack imitates the user it will only be detected if it sends
directly from the user's PC (ignoring the configured SMTP server) AND
that IP falls outside the user's SPF-specified senders.

almost all viruses do that right now and it's very easy to detect,
spammers do that better than viruses but it will also be caught by spf.

SPF will, however, be of use if the hack uses the spammer's domain name
or a third-party one.

this is what they do right now.

Salu-2 y hasta pronto ...

Don't ask me. The cats are in charge around here.

   David Saez Padros                http://www.ols.es
   On-Line Services 2000 S.L.       e-mail  david(_at_)ols(_dot_)es
   Pintor Vayreda 1                 telf    +34 902 50 29 75
   08184 Palau-Solita i Plegamans   movil   +34 670 35 27 53

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