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2004-01-29 12:59:13
On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 01:37:59PM -0500, 
mengwong(_at_)dumbo(_dot_)pobox(_dot_)com wrote:
| | 
| | Can one of the perl gurus knock up a filter that we can put into user 
| | .procmailrc files and so on that adds Received-SPF lines? I'll make a 
| | seperate post on my version of this in a moment.
| | 
| The challenge is picking out the correct IP.  Maybe the author of
| SpamBouncer can help.

Somebody sent me this.

The received header parsing is for Postfix.

#! /usr/bin/perl

use Mail::SPF::Query;

$/ = "\n\n";
$oldheader = <STDIN>;
$/ = undef;
$body = <STDIN>;
$/ = "\n";
chomp $oldheader;

$newheader = $oldheader;
$newheader =~ s/\n\s+/ /g;
@headers = split(/\n/, $newheader);

foreach $header (@headers) {
        if ( $header =~ /^From (\S+)/ ) {
                $sender = $1;
        } elsif ( $header =~ /^Received: (.*)$/ ) {
                $received = $1;
                if ( ! $host ) {
                        ($host, $helo, $ip) = 
                                ($received =~ /^from (\S+) \((\S+) \[(\S+)\]\) 
by .*/);

if (( ! $ip ) || ( ! $helo ) || ( ! $sender )) {
        ($result, $smtp_comment, $header_comment) = ("INVALID", "", "");
} else {
        $query = Mail::SPF::Query->new( ip => $ip,
                                helo => $helo,
                                sender => $sender );

        ($result, $smtp_comment, $header_comment) = $query->result();

print "$oldheader";
print "X-SPF-Status: $result\n";
print "X-SPF-Comment: $header_comment\n\n";
print "$body";

Sender Permitted From: http://spf.pobox.com/
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