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RE: Registrar supplied DNS support of TXT records?

2004-02-02 16:48:01

I have used WorldWideDNS before and was very happy.  For one domain, they're
only $10/yr.  For 10 domains, $50/yr.  They support 22 different record
types, including TXT.


Marc Alaia

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Harold [mailto:tgh(_at_)tgharold(_dot_)com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 6:10 PM
To: spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com
Subject: [spf-discuss] Registrar supplied DNS support of TXT records?

Quick question for the list (related to Zan's post about FreeDNS now 
supporting TXT records).  Currently, I use register.com as both my 
registrar and my SOA provider (I don't want the issues of managing a DNS 
server, keeping up with the bug fixes, their web-interface used to meet 
my needs).

The problem is that register.com's web interface for making changes to 
my DNS entries does not allow me to create TXT records.  (I've asked the 
support group twice in the last month and gotten blown off both times.) 
  Is anyone else having trouble getting the TXT records added in cases 
where you don't run your own SOA DNS server?

Anyone have an additional suggestions of who can manage my SOA DNS needs 
(I'm leary of free)?

Or should I simply keep asking register.com on a weekly basis as I see 
new articles about SPF being tested in the real world?

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