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Experimental phase

2004-02-03 09:47:45
On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 09:27:00AM -0500, Matthew Barr wrote:
| I was curious if there's any ongoing conversations with any of those 
| people, beyond the "Not publishing SPF yet"..

I suggested to the big ISPs that we move on to a phase of experimenting.

The first step would be to go over the logs and do SPF lookups after the
fact.  We need code that will parse maillogs from several formats and:

 - measure the DNS cost of SPF-testing millions of messages
 - figure out the false positive rate
 - figure out the false negative rate
 - find out who the evites, the hallmarks, etc are
 - uncover any unexpected problems
 - etc

Once we can provide some good stats, eg. "SPF testing will require you
to add 0.8% more CPU capacity but is estimated to save you N megabits of
bandwidth" they'll be more ready to move forward.

Would anyone like to help write the log analyzing code?  Perl will
probably be good enough with a call-out to Mail::SPF::Query, or we could
do it in C against libspf.

It will help if we can construct "pretend" records for the big ISPs ---
we'll need to fake up records so we can guess at Yahoo, Earthlink, MSN's
ranges.  Anyone know if they have a web page corresponding to this?


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