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Re: Some of the other big players..

2004-02-03 08:04:09
In <07804E71-5655-11D8-ACBB-000393BF216A(_at_)mbarr(_dot_)net> Matthew Barr 
<mbarr(_at_)mbarr(_dot_)net> writes:

I was curious if there's any ongoing conversations with any of those
people, beyond the "Not publishing SPF yet"..

I think it is safe to assume that many companies with important brand
names to protect or who wish to do a better job of filtering spam are
talking about SPF.

And if there's anything that we should be doing to advocate for it..

The best advocacy is to get the current stuff out and tested.  Until
SPF is widely tested and seen as "safe", it will only be used by very
early adopters.


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