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RE: Suspicious:Re: [Announce] qmail SPF patch (pre1)

2004-02-05 10:27:45
Am Do, den 05.02.2004 schrieb Dustin D. Trammell um 18:14:

So far mine has not gotten any SPF fails (at least that did not get
encapsulated by SpamAssassin also, makes them hard to filter on),
however I have gotten two explicit SPF passes, one from livejournal.com
and one from gamefly.com.  It would be nice to have this implementation
be able to set/unset environment variables on the various results of the
SPF check, so that I could unset QMAILQUEUE on explicit SPF pass or fail
and bypass the spam filters.

Ok, I will put the SPF result into the environment variable SPFRESULT.
(pass, error, fail, etc...)

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