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Re: DNS gurus: What is the max length of a TXT rec ords?

2004-02-09 07:57:01
In <5B734AC36BC9714EB88451E6E2F043B1155F48(_at_)alaia01(_dot_)alaia(_dot_)net> 
Marc Alaia <marc(_at_)alaia(_dot_)net> writes:

Section 2.3.4 limits the length of 'names' to 255 octets, it does not limit
the length of data fields.


It is section 3.3 that limits the size of a TXT record.  TXT record use
a <character-string>, and 3.3 defines them as follows:

    3.3. Standard RRs
    [....]                                   <character-string> is a single
    length octet followed by that number of characters.  <character-string>
    is treated as binary information, and can be up to 256 characters in
    length (including the length octet).

Apparently, I missed this before.


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